I LOVE the people that live at Meadowlark Hills. We are all different but similar, and that makes for a great place to live.
Early Automobiles
January 16, 2025
Local not-for-profit focused on supporting people in living their best lives
Good news for the travelers aboard the trip to Branson, MO! Even though we have not met the minimum of 25 travelers, we will still receive the same quoted price for the trip because all the shows gave the discounted group rates! There are currently 21 registered travelers for the trip departing Thursday, April 10 and returning Saturday, April 12.
submitted by Dr. Michael Wesch
Q: What do I need to bring with me to my doctor’s appointment?
submitted by the Meadowlark Hills Medical Professionals
There are a few things that you can bring to each of your appointments that will help make sure the visit goes smoothly and all information collected is accurate.
The Meadowlark Hills Travelers will be delighted with the lineup for the spring tour to Branson, Missouri! The tour dates are from Thursday, April 10, to Saturday, April 12. This two-night stay is packed with live show after live show!
“If you close your eyes, you would swear there is an orchestra accompanying the vocal artists of SIX The Show!” says Ivan and Dorothy Tompkins while describing their experience in Branson, Missouri at the award winning a cappella show, SIX—one of the many live shows you will see on the trip!
The search for Amelia Earhart can finally be called off! The famed aviator will be talking about her thrilling flights at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the Community Room, in celebration of Kansas Day! Scholar and performer, Ann Birney of Ride into History, will take the audience back to 1937, just before Earhart’s disappearance over the Pacific Ocean.
Q: Why is the lid on the recycling dumpster by Assisted Living entrance locked? It would be more convenient if I could throw all of my recyclables in there at once instead of having to do it a handful at a time.
The Meadowlark Hills 2014 Winter Ball is set for Saturday, Jan. 18, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Community Center, including the Community Room, Game Room, and Prairie Star Restaurant. The Community Center will be transformed into the elegant ballroom to host Winter Ball. All residents and staff are invited.
Happy New Year! Meadowlark Hills is kicking off 2014 with a Culture Story Contest. The purpose of this contest is to gather resident, family, staff and stakeholder’s stories that speak to the uniqueness of Meadowlark Hills and how person-directed care has changed their thoughts on what it means to age.
submitted by Helen Roser
She died while I was mid-flight on my way to visit her in the hospital. She was 86, had fallen, and had complications.
In her town, when what appeared to be a driverless big car came grinding down the street in second gear, someone always chuckled, “Here comes Mary.” Barely five feet tall, she couldn’t see over the steering wheel, so she looked under it to see where she was going. Driving in second gear felt safer.
I LOVE the people that live at Meadowlark Hills. We are all different but similar, and that makes for a great place to live.
2121 Meadowlark Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
Directions & Map
Call: 785.537.4610
Email: info@meadowlark.org
January 16, 2025
December 12, 2024
January 26, 2025
January 28, 2025
January 29, 2025