Ask Annie!

By Annie Peace on December 13, 2012

Question: Annie, can you tell us more about the Eden Alternative Program that Lonnie mentioned at Town Meeting? He said you had attended this program.

Answer: The Eden Alternative is a not-for-profit organization focused on providing resources, training and support to retirement communities. They strive to de-institutionalize the culture and environment of traditional long-term care communities, while living the core belief that aging should be a continued stage of development and growth. They are focused on eradicating what they identify are the three plagues: loneliness, helplessness and boredom.

My first experience with The Eden Alternative was 15 years ago. One of the trainers was LaVrene Norton, who you may recognize as the co-author of In Pursuit of the Sunbeam with Steve Shields. While on a break at the training, I overheard LaVrene sharing about the “Household Model” concept and invited myself into the conversation. I brought back the information I learned with great excitement and shared it with Steve. As he explains in his book, I cost the organization a million dollars with this idea.

The Eden Alternative was founded in 1991 by Dr. Bill Thomas, a Harvard educated physician and board certified geriatrician. They have trained over 17,000 Eden Associates (currently 7 of us at Meadowlark Hills are trained associates) and they have 300 registered homes. To become an Eden registered home we will demonstrate that we are continuing to work towards meaningful culture change. 

I am certain there will be more information about the Eden Alternative and plenty of opportunities for your involvement.

Additionally they have a wonderful website. If you are interested please visit,