
Written By Becky Fitzgerald on October 10, 2024

Kelley Boland’s beaded designs are doing more than catching sunlight. They are catching much attention wherever they are displayed.

Such was the case at August’s Empowered LIVE!, an annual event to empower persons living with Parkinson’s Disease to celebrate life and stay engaged. Boland, a newer member of the Young Onset group supported by Meadowlark Parkinson’s Program, was one of several VIPDs showing off their handiwork and hobbies at the LIVE! gathering, held prior to the Speedy PD Race for Parkinson’s Disease.

Written By Nathan Bolls on October 3, 2024
American Crow

A recent late September hike along Meadowlark trails quickly confirmed the obvious: our campus biology is sliding full bore into fall—a wonderful time to be out, moving slowly, or sitting quietly, and watching the changes going on all around. Leaves are dying, preparing to drop, and changing colors as they do. Soil and water microbes and fungi soon will begin the large scale digestion of those leaves into their constituent minerals and chemical compounds.

Written By Becky Fitzgerald on October 3, 2024

Oink! Now that the calendar has flipped to October, temperatures are cooling, but activities to benefit Meadowlark Foundation are heating up. It’s HOGTOBERFEST season, and here are a few squeal-worthy announcements! 

No. 1 – The 11th annual HOGTOBERFEST, an awareness and fundraising event to benefit Meadowlark Foundation’s Good Samaritan Fund, is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 25! 

No. 2 – You asked for it, and you got it! Meadowlark’s Prairie Star Restaurant and Event Venue is once again this year’s celebration location! 

Written By Katie Sigman on September 12, 2024
5K and 10K runners take off at the 2024 Speedy PD Race for Parkinson's Disease.

The music has faded, and the confetti swept away, as we close out the sweet 16th Annual Speedy PD Race for Parkinson’s Disease. We kicked off the party on Friday evening at the Holiday Inn at the Campus for Empowered Live!: An Evening to Celebrate Living Well with Parkinson’s. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner buffet and viewed the creative talents of our VIPDs (Very Important People with Parkinson’s Disease) before learning more about Lee Silverman Voice Treatment therapies from Kathleen Depperschmidt, Speech Language Pathologist.

Written By Nathan Bolls on September 5, 2024
Photos from Nathan’s November 2021 camping trip at Tuttle Creek State Park.

If you grew up in a family that camped or liked to sit around a patio firepit, an open fire was perhaps one of the first memorable outdoor mysteries you encountered. What young mind wouldn’t be mesmerized by that flush of heat on the face, or those flaming, leaping tongues that disappear quickly into smoke and air. Ancient humans probably felt the same reactions. 

Written By Nancy Kopp on August 29, 2024
Johnny Kaw in Manhattan City Park (Kansas)

Our family moved to Manhattan from the northwestern part of Illinois in 1975 when my husband accepted a job at a local bank. Ken and I were excited about the move, our 3-year-old daughter wasn’t actually aware of what was happening, and our Golden Retriever was happy to go wherever the family went.

It was our son, Kirk, who balked at the move. He was part-way through first grade, and he didn’t want to leave his school or his friends. He turned 7 only days before the movers arrived. Even a birthday didn’t soothe his ruffled feathers. His world had been turned upside down.

Written By Sarah Duggan on August 8, 2024
Murphy Duggan poses with her Commercial heifer, Retta, which was awarded Supreme Heifer. Eilish Dugg

As a veteran 4-Her (Franklin County, Kan. Rambling Ranchers!), I am thoroughly enjoying watching the skills, fun, and magic develop for my own children. Fair week is a highlight of the 4-H year - one we prepare for in the months leading up to it. This year was no different and the 2024 Riley County Fair was an exciting and successful event for my two oldest daughters! Murphy, age 10, and Eilish, age 7, showcased their hard work during fair week.

Written By Nathan Bolls on August 1, 2024

Some days, I’m preoccupied with the animals that live their lives all around us but are seldom seen or heard. Many people are not even aware of their presence. I’m thinking of the racoon, deer mouse, hispid cotton rat, bobcat, chimney swift, or the short-tailed shrew, a small voracious and venomous mammal that also lives in our area. These organisms owe their lack of publicity to being solitary, shy, quiet, nocturnal, or relatively small—or all of the above.

Written By Michelle Haub on July 24, 2024
Speedy PD's Sweet 16!

No matter your age, the phrase “sweet sixteen” tends to bring up a myriad of thoughts and emotions: excitement, fun, food, friends, joy, cars, wonder, cake, and hope. These are just a few of the words one might ponder when thinking about the 2024 Speedy PD Race for Parkinson’s Disease. This year brings us a great new Presenting Sponsor, Little Apple Cars. We are thrilled to have them cruise on the inside lane to help us achieve some new goals.

Written By Nathan Bolls on July 3, 2024
Dandelion blowing in the wind at sunset.

As is normal for this time of year, we’ve had some strong wind days during the past three to four months. But, just as for heat, or its absence, cold—or for the force of gravity-- we know the existence of wind only by its actions. No one has seen the wind, but “when the trees bow down their limbs, the wind is passing by.” 
