Red Hat Name Change—Fun is the Same

on October 15, 2015

The Red Hat Society, a national women’s organization, started in 1988. In 2004, dues were paid so that Meadowlark Hills could establish a chapter, named Manhatters Red Hat. Monthly luncheons and outings have been delightful happenings ever since. Somewhere along the way we became somewhat separated from the Red Hat Society and stopped paying dues, however we retained the name Red Hat.

Last week at the October Red Hat Luncheon, a discussion was held and the decision made to drop the “Red Hat” name and simply be “Manhatters.” Our goals continue to be the same. There are no dues.

All MLH women are invited to come on the second Thursday of each month to a 12:30 p.m. luncheon. Two hostesses plan each monthly event, including the theme, menu, decorations and short program. The wearing of red hats and purple attire is encouraged, but not required. Just come and enjoy a festive luncheon.

If you would like to be a Manhatter, please sign up in the Blue Book. Our next gathering, hosted by Yvonne Crawford and Verta Riniker will be at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12. The December outing will be at the Manhattan Country Club.

Polly Ferrell, retiring coordinator or Yvonne Crawford, our new coordinator will be happy to answer your questions. Hostess volunteers for 2016 are now being accepted by Yvonne.