Time to Renovate!

on September 3, 2015

Submitted by Jayme Minton, Support Services Director

The Prairie Star renovations are just around the corner! Construction is scheduled to begin Monday, Sept. 21, and will last approximately six to seven weeks. During the entire length of the construction, Prairie Star dining room and the Manhattan Room will be closed.

The Food and Beverage Team has been working hard on a plan to continue serving the wonderful residents, guests, visitors and employees while the dining area is closed. A buffet will be offered during lunch hours options Monday through Friday in the Kansas Room Pub & Lounge and Game Room with seating and service available in both areas. The weekends will feature a normal-style lunch special. For dinner each night, in Verna Belle’s Café will be open and dinner options will be offered in the Game Room.  The full restaurant menu and special will be available in these locations with service. 

Unfortunately, while the Prairie Star dining room is closed, we will not be able to take reservations for tables. Those wishing to plan an event or have a larger group join them for meals are welcome to work with Mattie King, Receptionist, to schedule the event in an available room. She can be reached directly by calling (785) 323-3832. If you already have an event scheduled in the Manhattan Room, you will be contacted by Mattie to work through alternate locations or arrangements.

For those wishing to take their orders to go, the full menu will be available and can be picked up from the Kansas Room Pub & Lounge. To show our appreciation for everyone’s patience during the renovation process the delivery fee will be waved during construction.  

Please contact me at (785) 323-3829 if you have questions or concerns.