Outdoor Encounters

on August 20, 2015

Submitted by Nathan Bolls

It is important that visitors in our natural area record in the Gazebo Logbook whatever they see during their time spent there. It is especially important that they record any species, movement, habits or occurrences that they feel is unusual.

Pay particular attention during times of spring and fall migration. But with some species, e.g., the Canadian goose, great blue heron or the robin, it is impossible to tell whether the animal is a migrant or one that has over-wintered in this area. Several species that rarely if ever did so when we were children now are over-wintering in surprising numbers far north of their ancestral southern winter ranges.

But do as I say and not as I have done. My record of stopping to record in the Logbook would earn me a D– at best, even if my dad or mom were school principal. I am going to shape up. You too?