Ask Sarah

By Sarah Duggan on August 20, 2015

Mama & Daddy Gettin’ Outta Dodge!

Questions have slowed down lately in the Ask Sarah box – remember to submit your ponderings at the Hospitality Desk (or stop by my office, send a text, leave a voicemail or shoot over an e-mail) and I will find the answers, or lose my breath trying!

News from the Duggan house: Murphy Rose is learning more and more every day! It is phenomenal to watch her grow and explore her surroundings. Although she doesn’t talk, she does jabber quite a bit and recognizes many things I say to her. She is a bit of a picky eater, pasta is Murphy-Rose approved and that’s about it. At a year old, she already has a little personality and preferences on activities and entertainment. She enjoys being outside, listening to music, reading (Ahh! How did I get so lucky?) and animals. 

The biggest thing going on in our lives right now is preparing for our first real couples-only weekend away from Murphy since she entered our lives just over 13 months ago. Edward and I will be traveling to Minneapolis, Minn. to attend the wedding of a friend and know that Murphy will be well taken care of with my parents and siblings. Some of her favorite things will be packed into one weekend – time outdoors, kittens and seeing her Auntie and Uncle who are so much fun to play with.

I have heard from other parents, both new and veteran, that it is important to maintain your relationship with your significant other after you’ve added a new baby to the family. Spending time together talking about things besides that cute little munchkin sleeping in her crib is something that should be sought out and valued. My husband and I work to remember that we aren’t only a mama and a daddy, but that we’re also spouses and friends with jobs, interests and dreams that can’t be left behind. So, Edward and I look forward to our time away exploring the city just the two of us to help in supporting our goal of fostering our marriage while parenting baby Murphy.

Wish us luck! See you next week and thanks for stopping by!