
on March 16, 2017

Submitted by Helen Roser

As an old person who has tried to keep in touch with her fellow humans, I have realized we have been working our way back to all-purpose grunt instead of ahead with words.

Finally, one all-purpose word has replace the popular two words “awesome” and “cool”.  The new word is “crazy” and I think I understand its popularity.  When we oldsters were required to build our vocabulary, it was so we could more effectively and accurately communicate with our fellow man.  (Meaning humans, which include women.)

Written By Sarah Duggan on March 16, 2017

I only have a few more weeks of guiltless pigging out (Baby Duggan will be here soon!), but it’s that time of year to think ahead to our Pig Out for Parkinson’s event! The Pig Out is an annual fundraising and awareness event that benefits the Meadowlark Parkinson’s Program. This year, the Pig Out is scheduled for Thursday, April 27, at Cox Bros. BBQ in Manhattan, Kan.

Written By Sarah Duggan on March 2, 2017

The Meadowlark Messenger has a new editor  Hether Birchmeier!  Hether started as the Community Relations Assistant Monday, Feb. 6. Since her initial start date, Hether has been learning about Meadowlark, our weekly newsletter and the Meadowlark Volunteer Program. As the Community Relations Assistant, Hether’s main responsibilities include leading the Volunteer Program and coordinating the Messenger creation and production. Hether is originally from Michigan (and is a HUGE University of Michigan fan!), but has lived all over the country and abroad.

Written By Nathan Bolls on March 2, 2017

I rarely salute water that flows from my kitchen faucet.  Yet, one of the great unsung achievements of technology and science is the ability to produce huge and dependable quantities of potable water. In sharp contrast is the scene in the Third-World, where most every day, in a village somewhere, people rejoice in that first gush of safe water from some pipe in their village.

on March 2, 2017

Congratulations to Kelly Salaz, CMA in Collins for winning the Meadowlark Leader of the pack for March 2017!! Kelly’s nomination stated, “Kelly always takes extra time to make sure the residents have a good day, whether it be laughing or talking with them, doing their hair and makeup, or doing her famous creative manicures that residents love. Kelly doesn’t go through one shift without going the extra mile for the residents. She is always brainstorming ideas for outings and new adventures, and doesn’t mind taking the lead on coordinating when asked.

on February 16, 2017

Congratulations to the Meadowlark February 2017 Leader of the Pack, Sara Snell! Sara goes above and beyond every day. If she can find a way to make someone’s job easier or life better, she will. Not only has she been the primary organizer for the entire 2017 Winter Ball event, she supports the Veterans Group, she was a lead for Christmas Carousel (including sewing several costumes!) and will help at any event that she is asked to assist with. Sara is a hardworking and caring team member that is always willing to help.

Congrats, Sara!


Written By Becky Fitzgerald on February 9, 2017

Bayer Pond Nature Area attracts a variety of wild life, and in early February, a moose was spotted! In the United States, moose prefer states such as Wyoming, Utah and Alaska, but our moose has relocated from the Lake Perry area. Next time you visit our pond, watch for him! He stands west of the West Gazebo by the trail leading into the woods. 

Written By Sarah Duggan on February 9, 2017

You can do what..?

on February 2, 2017

As some of you may have noticed, Pizazz and Flair have welcomed two new stylists in the last few weeks, Shannon Creagh and Kathy Shawver. 

Written By Nathan Bolls on February 2, 2017

We have many “snowbirds” on campus during the summer.  This led me, during 21 and 24 January, to hike every street and trail on our campus except for the line of trees on the ridge between Meadowlark Valley and the cottages along the east side of Meadowlark Road.  I was involved in the “Sport of Kings:”  a scouting and counting venture meant to impress all of us with the number of wild creatures with whom we share our campus during the “growing season.”
