
Written By Sarah Duggan on October 22, 2015

Land of the Free & Home of the Brave

As the weather and the seasons change, I (and many others!) begin to look forward to upcoming holidays like Halloween (candy and costumes!), Thanksgiving (turkey and football!) and Christmas (carols and egg nog!) but let’s not forget in midst of all that a very important day for us to recognize is Veterans Day.

on October 22, 2015

Submitted by Nathan Bolls

One of the great poets of ancient Persia, Khalil Gibran, once wrote:

“I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am grateful to these teachers.”

Written By Becky Fitzgerald on October 22, 2015

Happy, the HOGtoberfest mascot, was busy last week, attending meetings with me and visiting participants in this year’s HOG & Kisses Contest. She did all she could to encourage the candidates to continue to raise support and awareness for Meadowlark Hills Foundation’s Good Samaritan Fund, leading up to HOGtoberfest on Thursday, Oct. 29, at Cox Bros. BBQ, 223 McCall Road.

on October 15, 2015

Submitted by Nathan Bolls

I once read, and filed away, a quote by artist Pablo Picasso. These words seem to have been spoke in frustration:

“Everyone wants to understand painting. Why don’t they try to understand the singing of birds? Why do they love the night, a flower, everything that surrounds them, without trying to understand them? But painting, they must understand.”

on October 15, 2015

The Red Hat Society, a national women’s organization, started in 1988. In 2004, dues were paid so that Meadowlark Hills could establish a chapter, named Manhatters Red Hat. Monthly luncheons and outings have been delightful happenings ever since. Somewhere along the way we became somewhat separated from the Red Hat Society and stopped paying dues, however we retained the name Red Hat.

Last week at the October Red Hat Luncheon, a discussion was held and the decision made to drop the “Red Hat” name and simply be “Manhatters.” Our goals continue to be the same. There are no dues.

Written By Becky Fitzgerald on October 8, 2015

A local business has generously agreed to help Meadowlark Hills Foundation promote HOGtoberfest, which is set for Thursday, Oct. 29. The what, where, when and why pertaining to HOGtoberfest is expected to be displayed beginning Monday, Oct. 12, on two marquees in Manhattan. Be on the look-out for these signs! The first employee, resident or Passport member to contact Becky Fitzgerald after seeing one of these marquees will be entered to win the HOGtoberfest door prize, a barbecue meal for 10.

on October 8, 2015

If you lived for a significant portion of your life in a rural community in Riley or Pottawatomie County and are willing to be interviewed by a team of three to four K-State students about your experiences in those communities, we need your help! A KSU Professor, Matt Sanderson, PhD is looking for the opportunity to provide engaged learning for his Rural Sociology students. We want you to tell them of your experiences in those communities. 

Written By Sarah Duggan on October 8, 2015

Beware of Scam!

A couple weeks ago, I shared about the National Do No Call Registry. Since then, a few residents and neighbors have reported being contacted by scammers via telephone. Remember, scammers will say anything and their goal is to get you to say “yes.”

on October 8, 2015

Submitted by Nathan Bolls

I saw a yellowed leaf fall yesterday, just the barest ripple of the coming inevitable avalanche of change. Those of us who live with the seasons know the truth of the remark once made by the writer M.C. Richards: “Whatever has form is in the process still of being formed. Form is never fixed.”

on October 1, 2015

Submitted by Sue Hunt

When you pass by Leo Glen on the way to the pond, you will see a drift of yellow made by the many different type of sunflowers. Some of the common ones: the Maximilian’s stiff, plains, willow leaf and Jerusalem artichoke. To me they are all sunny happy signs of fall. I saw a number of Monarch butterflies flying from flower to flower to get the needed nectar for their long migratory to Mexico.

