Letter to the Messenger

on October 19, 2016

On Thoughts About Presidents

Submitted by Helen Roser

In this season of presidential campaigns, I remember my favorite president, Harry Truman. He came into office after President Roosevelt’s death when we were engaged in World War II. His courage and strength of character brought the war to an earlier end. He took his duties very seriously and had a sign on his desk that said: The Buck Stops Here. He was called “Give’em hell Harry.”

He enjoyed playing the piano. His playing was awful, but he happily clanked out some corny old tune whenever asked to play. His daughter Margaret aspired to be a classical singer. Her debut was in Carnegie Hall, before a top-drawer audience and multi critical reviewers. The critics were discreet except the New York Times critic who was fourth-right. (Her signing was awful.)

The review so upset Daddy Harry that he took out his pen and wrote a letter to the critic that ended: “If I ever see you, I will knock your block off.” Of course the letter appeared on the front page of the New York Times, but it only endeared him more to a public who appreciated a down-to-earth president who stuck up for his daughter.

But thinking about our current two candidates for president has me wonder about what if either of them were elected?

If he were elected, I can imagine that Donald Trump would soon learn that the office of president does not have powers of a tyrant. He would keep hearing about the “Constitution” until he realized he was neck-deep in bureaucracy. That is when I can imagine him becoming famous for saying two new words. He has been known for saying: “you’re fired” on his television show, but his two new words would be: “I quit” and he would last be seen heading for New York.

If Hillary Clinton were elected, I can imagine her shutting herself in the White House and doing whatever she thinks needs to be done to do whatever she has decided to do. When she finally had a press meeting and made her speech to say what she had been doing, we still wouldn’t know because we all would have fallen asleep listening to her. She probably would become known as the most boring president.

So those are some of my thoughts. I expect each of you have some of your own. For sure, we are blessed to have the privilege of voting.